about b.yond consulting
what we do
- Chinese language and culture projects
- business strategy
- brand models, design and development
- evaluation of current and potential partners
where we do it
China, Ireland
why we do it
Using our knowledge and expertise to help you succeed in these markets is what gets us up in the morning
About Us.
Curious About Our Culture?
b.yond consulting has been in operation since 2013, formerly called Goutong Consulting. During the years to date, we have helped numerous companies and individuals in China and in Ireland with various projects.
b.yond consulting covers work across many areas and we’re always happy to help on matters between Ireland and China.
In short, in our service to our clients we endeavour to go beyond consulting.

james kenny
- Involved in China for over 15 years
- Qualifications in Chinese language and culture, Chinese language teaching, Strategy, Innovation and more
- Amassed an array of contacts and knowledge in various fields including education, tourism, business, investment and more
- Fluent Chinese speaker